Sunday, November 27, 2011

Guilty Crown 07 – DAT ENDING!

Guilty Crown 07 – DAT ENDING!

Guilty Crown 07 – DAT ENDING!

Posted: 25 Nov 2011 10:59 AM PST

For those who followed me on Twitter, you may have notice that i’ve taken a liking to MILF recently due to the environment I work at. However, I didn’t let that distract me this episode though Shu’s mother was really hawt. Instead, i’m more curious with the relationship between Shu and Haruka. Are they really blood related ? Well, judging the way how Shu reacted, it does not seem so coz normally no one would call their mother by their names. Either ways, did Shu just got hard from that hug? More importantly, why is Haruka meeting the old man? What accident are they talking about? She seems to be playing an important role in this series other than being a hot mama.

Anyway, i’m just glad that Shu wasn’t all that pussy at all this episode and even insisted to follow Gai’s order to save everyone on board. That’s +1 seishun points for him. Still, it’s weird how everything is back to normal between him and Inori given what happened on episode 5. There should be a distance between them. Other than that, i’m all for Gai x Arisa. Don’t you all think they look good together?

Meanwhile, i’m starting to think that they really should explain why Gai has the ability to know what kind of void is inside a person. Assuming that a void reflects from an individual’s personality, why is Inori’s void a sword? Does Gai have some sort of special ability? While some may have gone impatient with this plot hole, I for one, am fine with it. Heck, there’s 15 episodes left. Why the rush peeps?

Meh..there’s really not much to say and totally nothing to make fun of about this episode but what really interests me is dat ending. Haruka seems like she know who Inori really is. From the looks of the picture, their age gap ain’t that much of a difference at all but Shu does look younger. What are their relationships and what does she mean by protecting Shu? I guess we’ll need another week or two to find out. Ryo_kun, signing out!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Winter line up for the 2011-2012 season

Winter line up for the 2011-2012 season

Winter line up for the 2011-2012 season

Posted: 21 Nov 2011 08:36 AM PST

It’s never too late to see what’s ahead, and the future seems very bright.  With a line-up to please many, there are so many good shows coming up.  Black Rock Shooter with the awesome animation and so-so story has a series.  There are so many choices for me.  I apologies for the lack of post, but my life has a taken a minor turn for the better.  A film I did a while ago is getting attention, and working on another film.    Here’s a bigger version for your eyes (click).

BLACK ROCK SHOOTER. NISEMONOGATARI. ANOTHER. AMAGAMI SS+. STEIN/GATE OVA. USAGI DROP OVA. MIRAI NIKKI OVA. INFINITE STRATOS OVA. TORADORA OVA.   Those are my choices for now, and I always give a chance to every show, at least the first two shows to get me on board.


Sunday, November 20, 2011

Guilty Crown 06 – You Haz Balls

Guilty Crown 06 – You Haz Balls

Guilty Crown 06 – You Haz Balls

Posted: 19 Nov 2011 09:54 AM PST


Apparently Gai didn’t flee beforehand and got caught up in the explosion. However, the injury was not all that serious, just some scratches, like what he said. He even found out what this Leucocyte is for, that is to wipe out the Japanese people – how cruel can the government be? It’s not all that “trump card” now that it’s destroyed huh? Who would’ve thought that Inori would combine the gravity gun and the sword together to nail down the Leucocyte? Though it was never said that the weapons could combine so i guess there could be an explanation for that. Combining two together is fine but if more than two is possible, wouldn’t it be a little too overpowered?

I think it’s clear by now as to why I hate Shu, no? I bet everyone does and if possible, I don’t really feel like repeating the ‘w’ word weekly too. AND i certainly enjoyed the moment where he made a fool out of himself when he tries to make Gai look like a bad person, by trying to pull out from the mission. Still, i’m glad he cleared things up with Gai in the end…going as far as exchanging blows with him. But we all know that was a cheap shot right? What bravery! Gai would have easily defended that if he has to. The main point is, it’s funny how he’s all ready for a fight at one moment but goes back being a wimp seconds later.

Anyway, it is then shown that Gai actually has his soft side for his troops – which he only shows to Inori. His usual leader-like attitude is nothing but a mask for his soft side as he actually cares about his mens’ life. It is all but to raise and maintain the morale of the troop afterall. Very admirable indeed. However, I find it strange as to why Shu didn’t question about his health condition as he seems to be transferring(?) blood when they fought.

What’s more strange is how Segai is able to figure out the exact time left before Undertaker’s attack. And what’s with the cellphone and his left eye? Future diary (Mirai Nikki) much? Or was it some sort of cheat sheet? Not really sure what happened but he could be tactical enough to figure that out. Either that or there could be spies among Undertaker. If I have to name one, I’d say it’s Kido. That would explain why he seem to be so calm when they tried to rescue Kido as Segai could have forced him to become his spy.

All in all, i’m just glad that Gai actually knows about the device that Shu has with him all along. I knew he’d notice it! However, there’s this mysterious new person in the end where he talked about “awakening” and “seeking her beloved king”. I guess he’s referring to Shu and Inori. And he’s probably one of the top dogs among the government, seeing he’s alongside with the general so who knows. We’ll just need another one long week to find out. Ryo_kun, signing out!

Mawaru Penguindrum Ep. 19

Posted: 19 Nov 2011 03:15 AM PST

Okay, let me gather my thoughts for a bit. (Paused. Breathe deep) Himari’s soulmate was revealed! He was none other than her supposed brother, the always-fall-flat-on-his-face Shoma! Seriously guys, I started counting the number of times this guy fail and fell. Why didn’t I ever thought of him as the soulmate? It’s clear that the twins aren’t blood related and come to think of it, I think the hints were there but oh wow. Huh. Speechless.

I’ll share with you what’s going through my mind the moment Masako forcefully invited herself into the Takakura house. Since I know Kanba resembled his father, he is the child that was born in that episode (forgive me, I can’t remember which episode). So that means Himari is not related to him. I made that conclusion largely because of Masako – the things she said. It grieves Masako so much that Kanba is pouring his energy, attention and love to Himari and was so against Himari only proved that point. At least, I think it did. In fact, there was a moment I thought Momoka reincarnated into Himari or something. I don’t know why I thought that but I did. I still think there’s some sort of connection between Momoka and Himari but only time will tell if I’m sensing the correct thing. To be honest, I wanted the blue ball to hit Himari. I know it sounded very mean of me; however, letting Himari rediscover her past will ease my pain a lot!

While Mawaru Penguindrum is being kind and revealed the role of Shoma in this mess and oh before I forget – how Tabuki and Yuri came together and oh wait yet another one – where Kanba gets his money, it also added another whole bunch of questions. Like how Shoma and Himari ended up with Takakura. Or what’s with the apple? How does it help Shoma and Himari out of the child broiler (I gotta say this facility is freaky)? WHAT IS THE PENGUIN DRUM? Maybe I should also ask what’s the real mission Kanba’s parents are doing…

If anything, I enjoyed episode 19. Mawaru Penguindrum is one step closer in unlocking the puzzles.

P.S I’ll be entering into the remote area of Borneo Island next weekend, so do expect a late post of Penguindrum.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Hunter x Hunter Remake Excites Me!

Hunter x Hunter Remake Excites Me!

Hunter x Hunter Remake Excites Me!

Posted: 18 Nov 2011 05:57 PM PST

I’ve read the Hunter x Hunter manga up to the episode where they all live on the Greed island where actually it was a console game world while it exist in real world.

The storyline of this series is very interesting. Even though I didn’t finish the manga (I’ve lost much interest in them nowadays – I mean manga) I am still very excited to watch this remake.

I never seen the earliest version of this series and I don’t know why they have to do a re-make with the same storyline, perhaps the earlier version is crappy and did not capture a lot of audience.

This remind me to my first ever manga & anime from Japan. Doraemon. Anyone who don’t know who is Doraemon sure miss a lot of fun.  :mrgreen: Doraemon series was also went through a remake where the second publish was very successful and it was from different studio and producer.

So this mean, studio and producer have a big role in determining the success of the anime that published.

Hunter x Hunter Screenshot (1)

Hunter x Hunter Screenshot

Although the graphic finishing is not “shiny”, I watch this anime for the fun and not for the graphic. But if they can make it more shiny it will be a very good bonus for us the audience. Don’t you think so?

Hunter x Hunter Screenshot (2)

Hunter x Hunter Screenshot


Hunter x Hunter Screenshot (3)

Hunter x Hunter Screenshot

As well as the character design. Moe is not their strong selling point but more to the storyline, once again. But it’s not that I say their character design is not good. The character design are good and “universal” like the main stream anime series such as ONE-Piece, Naruto and Bleach.

Hunter x Hunter Screenshot (4)

Hunter x Hunter Screenshot


Hunter x Hunter Screenshot (5)

Hunter x Hunter Screenshot


Hunter x Hunter Screenshot (6)

Hunter x Hunter Screenshot


Hunter x Hunter Screenshot (7)

Hunter x Hunter Screenshot


Hunter x Hunter Screenshot (8)

Hunter x Hunter Screenshot


Hunter x Hunter Screenshot (9)

Hunter x Hunter Screenshot


Hunter x Hunter Screenshot (10)

Hunter x Hunter Screenshot


Hunter x Hunter Screenshot (11)

Hunter x Hunter Screenshot


Hunter x Hunter Screenshot (12)

Hunter x Hunter Screenshot

So? Did you watch this anime series or this is too heavy for you? Well, I prefer light story too but this one is too exciting to let go.  :biggrin:

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Mawaru Penguindrum Ep. 16 – 18

Mawaru Penguindrum Ep. 16 – 18

Mawaru Penguindrum Ep. 16 – 18

Posted: 12 Nov 2011 12:29 AM PST

I’m back with more Mawaru Penguindrum ramblings, y’all. Ever since the Fall anime season started, my anime watch list has increased immensely that I struggle to find time to watch them all. With just a few days away, there were already a few episodes I had to catch up. But oh well, I’ll squeeze three episodes into one post. The last two episode, 17 and 18, are closely related anyway so the timing felt right. As for the 16th episode, it was a backstory of Masako which I felt was a little out of place. Perhaps it contains some useful information about why Masako seems to be on Takakura’s side but at the time, it just felt like a filler episode.

As for 17th and 18th episode of Mawaru Penguindrum, finally we get a glimpse into Tabuki’s past. Tabuki and Yuri’s parents are peculiar kind huh? One loves everything beautiful, one loves only talented people. As a result of their own selfish desires, we have two very lost children who find freedom and love from Momoka. Why did Momoka free them from their sorrows? Are those two special people? We don’t know. What we know now about those two is so different from what we saw at the beginning of the series. Even though I’ve always suspected nothing as it seems when it comes to Tabuki and Yuri, but still it left me some unsettling feeling after witnessing their dark sides.

Seeing Hat-sama constantly denying or refusing to tell if the pink diary is the penguin drum, I’m stating to think Himari might be the penguin drum. Tabuki and Yuri seem to be holding unusually strong grudge against her. Then again, what do we really know about Himari or the Takakura brothers for that matter? I’m pretty sure I’m okay with the rest of the casts already.

One thing that I’m curious about is what exactly does Ringo remember from her night with Yuri at the hot spring. She seems to have no recollection of what actually happened. The other thing I wish to see but was not shown is another Yuri vs Masako fight. It would’ve been great to see those two in action again. They’re incredibly sarcastic with each other that their lines were hilarious to me. Nevertheless, it is not meant to be. What we saw at the end was each still has one half of the diary.

Now with 18 episodes in, I’m still absolutely clueless how this show will end or what is next in store.

Guilty Crown 05 – Fail Confession

Posted: 11 Nov 2011 10:15 PM PST

It’s strange how Ayase couldn’t recognize what the device is for….or is it just me? I was soo sure that he’s a goner for dropping the locating device and it was in Ayase’s possession too. Shu shouldn’t let his jelousy get to him. Just screw the locating device! He should just accept the fact that Gai is and always will be a better man than he is, be it combat capabilities or in the bed. He’ll never satisfy Inori! And the sad fact is, he makes Sawada Tsunayoshi look manly! True story, no?

Ayase truly shines this episode don’t you think so? Even when she’s not in her Endlave, she’s pretty proficient with her combat skills, despite being in a wheelchair. She kinda reminds me of Kallen, except the fact that she’s in a wheelchair and has a longer hair too. There were some moments when she’s such a tease with the above pictures being examples and I like how she’s like totally fine with Inori being in the same room with Gai, which was hinted to be doing something. 

Joke aside, we all know that it’s something more important than that right? Remember there this girl that looks like Inori in Shu’s flashback back at first episode? I assume Gai is referring to her when he said Inori is “becoming more like her everyday”. Could she be Inori’s sister? Or just a clone of her? And he appears to be extracting his own blood. Could Inori be transferring her blood to him? Does Gai have some sort of sickness? Now my friends, this is getting interesting.

But most importantly, I wonder how will Gai survive the explosion of such large radius. Well, who knows he may have foresaw the explosion and fled beforehand. This makes me think that rebelling against the government will be a very difficult task, given that the Leucocyte may be their trump card. Unless Shu mans up, his void could probably fend of the Leucocyte. Thus ends my ramblings for this week’s Guilty Crown episode. Ryo-kun, signing out!

One Precinct’s First Year Anniversary

Posted: 11 Nov 2011 07:42 PM PST

No worries, this is not all story telling time and shits, think of it as a thanksgiving post from us to all you. So yeah, today marks the day we’ve survived for a year in this anime blogosphere. It was a year ago when all of us decided to hang out as usual and ended up at a local restaurant to have a drink or two, tea time, as some may prefer. If memory serves me right, it was some talk about how awesome would it be to establish a site or forum. But I’d never thought we’d end up establishing an anime blog, let alone lasting a year. As all of you may know, maintaining a blog is certainly not an easy task. The first three months were definitely tough as there were only 4 of us in the beginning. Fortunately we managed to make it through and here I am now, writing our first anniversary post.

That aside, our blog wouldn’t be this lively without fellow bloggers like OverlordG, Hoshiko and feal87 who visit frequently. Let’s not forget the yakuza lover kuuki-chan and yuri lover Yi-san too. Oh and Blacksun88 as well! But most importantly, kudos to all of our authors and editors, past and present for all the hard work on maintaining this blog. We’d never reach this milestone without all of you.



Cloud – From first day deployment of this site. I’ve been putting high hope that it will survive the first 3 months. Well, it did and now we ONE-Precinct | Another World have been established for more than 1 year that I feel relief. In nature, most fail blog will be dead in their first 3 months period. But not ONE-Precinct | Another World. I’m just glad that we have good several regulars posters here and me and the other founders want to take this opportunity to thanks all those authors, commenter and visitors of this website. There will be a lot of more fun thing in the future. It’s just about time we announce them.




Wiguan – Lately its been a very busy time for everyone. We hardly make a post everyday. But when there’s some interesting topic about Japan and anime, I will directly post it here. This serve as my second home. My another world as the title tag of this website. The first anniversary is surely another miles stone for ONE-Precinct | Another World. Here I’ve found new nakama. (p/s: I’ve been subscribing silently to all blogs of ONE-Precinct’s commenters – I hope some other people also making new friend from this platform – Internet is suggoi ne!)




Hoshiko – First things first. Yay to One Precinct for its firsts year anniversary. It’s not an easy feat mind you. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time writing for this blog and I know I will too in the future. It houses incredible bunch of authors and I had fun communicating with them. It is also a great pleasure interacting with One Precinct readers, which I notice is a little bit different from my own personal blog’s readers. Fun!

I hope in the coming year One Precinct will have more authors contributing to its growth and add to its variety. After all, it is a place where we who enjoy Japanese culture gather together and discuss about our hobbies, be it anime, manga, dollfies and whatnot.

Once again, congratulations to One Precinct!


P/S : I didn’t manage to quote all our authors.

On top of that, these are things to be expected in the following year(s). Since.. you know, a new milestone means new goals! Firstly, to post everyday like we used to. Remember how we used to have 2 or 3 posts per day? Yeah, we’re trying to make it happen again. There won’t be new random authors anymore given that we’ve closed our registration in which i’m very happy about, yay!(?) And I’ve been thinking of narrowing down our target audience since google analytic shows that we’ve lost quite an amount of returning visitors. You know who you are! now come back this instant! Last but not least, a new, neater theme than the current one.

All in all, I certainly enjoyed reading all the comments and had definitely enjoyed discussing animes with all of you.